Generate HTML forms dynamically and super easy using Golang/Go
GoForm helps you to minimize the risk of errors, GoForm also includes options that help and simplify the management and generation web forms, as well as the integration of the component in different applications / web templates.

Why a dynamic form generator in Golang/Go?
For years, both in the office and at home developing personal projects I’ve always sought to have the best control over the data I capture via web forms, this involves two steps, the first: the form itself, where the users are asked to enter the data, the second part: the collection of data once the user press the submit button of the web form.
In these two steps there are too many variables involved, the most important is that the web form must be well formed and includes all the necessary validations to make the user experience as simple as possible, in addition the web form must be full accessible on desktop and mobile browsers.
GoForm helps you to minimize the risk of errors, GoForm also includes options that help and simplify the management and generation web forms, as well as the integration of the component in different applications / web templates.
In all my years of experience, for the development of dynamic applications I’ve always required to have forms that are generated dynamicaly based on the needs of the users, web forms with as many options as they want, with different types of inputs and variants in their values, as well as format or validations, including dynamic forms allows to reduce the developing time and dependence of developers when some one needs to add or modify the requested inputs within an application, in addition to reducing the number of template files included in the application.
GoForm totally avoids the manual management/handling of HTML forms, once the templates have been defined for each type of item of the form that will be used, be it the ones integrated in the library itself or the customized ones, it is not necessary to edit HTML code again, this avoids errors that can occur when writing them or when copying/pasting from other existing forms.
Why is it made in Golang/Go?
It is no secret that Go is one of the most versatile modern languages, with high processing capacity, reliable and fast, actually there are already other web forms generator libraries made in go, but GoForm is made for the real dynamic generation of forms, if Go already have very good features and functions, GoForm only adds the ability to accelerate programming with the reduction of errors.
The easiest way to know all this is to look at it in operation at:
GoForm is made for Go and can be used freely by importing it into the working environment with the command “go get”.
Here’s the website inside GitHub: